Dynamic models serving real-time urban transport operation
August 2017
2015 Impact Factor: 2.56, ©2016 Thomson Reuters, 2016 Journal Citation Reports®
Authors willing to submit to the special issue of Transportmetrica B have to express their interest when submitting their full paper to EWGT 2017. The full papers will be evaluated and authors will be notified by the guest editors separately. After that they will receive detailed information about the submission procedure directly from the guest editors.
The estimated publication time is March 2018.
Guest editors
Guido Gentile (Università di Roma La Sapienza)
Domokos Esztergár-Kiss (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Agostino Nuzzolo (Tor Vergata University of Rome)
In the era of ITS there is an increasing need of developing dynamic transport models to improve the realism of simulations, aiming to higher efficiency of network management interventions, as well as to more reliable real-time user information.
These task are still today faced by operators with limited support from transport modelling with respect to the potential contribution of state-of-the-art methodologies.
Moreover, great opportunities are envisaged by the availability of distributed computing, artificial intelligence and big data.
Thus, new applicative solutions for transport network operators can emerge based on new modeling paradigms where dynamics play a major role in different fields:
– transit service optimization and fleet control,
– human travel behaviuor and passenger information
– urban freight distribution and vehicle routing,
– traffic signal setting and flow forecast,
– highway network management and road pricing.
Paper addressing the above subjects through real-time dynamic models are invited to this special issue. The presentation of novel methodological contributions as-well-as that of relevant case studies are both welcome.